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Joey A

I came to Our Brothers Home with about a year of sobriety and wanted to be around like- minded people, to strengthen my recovery and relationship with the Lord. Through the sharing of life together with the men in the house and the support of the PBC recovery ministry, God has grown my faith by leaps and bounds. I now have 3 years of continued sobriety and God has developed me for the role as the new OBH house manager. I am dedicated to helping the men in the house to live a clean and sober life, expand their growth in their faith in Christ, and live independent lives.

Myles C

OBH is one of the many things the Lord has used to save my life. He has introduced me to many people and places that have reinforced my faith. Like many of the brothers, I was lost. I had no direction. OBH has given me a place to get back my life and spirituality. Initially, I thought it was a series of coincidences that led me here. Now I see it was all a part of His plan for me. I still don’t know what that plan is, but I do know that it will be what’s best.

Allen S

After relapsing I was sentenced to 5 years in prison. Jesus Christ used prison to prepare me to come to OBH for healing and restoration. Years of rejection has destroyed every desire to walk in self-will. I came to OBH seeking the perfect will of God. I need healing and restoration. God sent me to receive acceptance and love. I have found just that at OBH. Now I thank every one at PBC for the chance to please God again by doing his perfect will. May God protect all who come to PBC and keep them from the world because they have kept me from the world and its cruel ways. Lord please guard all our Hearts with your peace, love, and joy. Let me show my gratitude for OBH in every way that pleases you. Amen.

Jeff C

I lived in OBH for 1 year. I have been surrounded by pastors, mentors, teachers, brothers, and a great variety of house guests. A great first-hand experience of believers in service for God. I am learning the value of how others utilize their spiritual gifts.

I have been encouraged to build relationships and to be transparent. Growth is not fast, but steady. Praying together is very new for me and it is getting easier to do. I feel less vulnerable as time passes. To be in the middle of church, bible study, R&R, AA, and OBH is a beautiful thing. I am building a firm foundation and have a bright outlook on life. I am faithful with my tithe and have been blessed with a great new career. I love to teach about the spiritual principles and share my story.

I am grateful for the opportunity to live at OBH and recommend this for anyone who is ready for a life change.

Jeff R

Opportunity to get closer to God and understand how Jesus would like me to live my life.  It gives me the discipline to read the Bible and be around people with more experience to answer questions or interpret the Bible to apply to my daily life.


Being around other men who are following the same path inspires me to do the same. Sharing our struggles and successes as a smaller part of a larger community makes it a comfortable place to be more transparent and helps with my healing. I also have the opportunity to be with other members of the church community and encourage them in their faith and show how my relationship with God has helped me to live a more fulfilled life by depending on Him.

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