Our Brother's Home depends upon the generous support of private donors. Our budget is not large but the need is real, mostly for rent and utilities. All donations go directly to the home and are fully tax deductible. We appreciate contributions of any amount. Give electronically via PayPal by using the button below.

We are exploring purchasing a home and are looking for partners to donate on a monthly basis for a period of two years to develop a history of regular consistent giving in order to secure a loan for the purchase of a home.
To give regularly, provide for legacy giving or ask any questions, please write to donate@ourbrothershome.org

Nothing can be more important than the prayers of the saints. Whether you are able to assist financially or not we hope you will keep us in your prayers: residents, staff, and volunteers. Thank you!
Specific Prayers for:
our brothers' continued development in their faith
financial support for the home
the leadership of the home
God's provision in the lives of these men

Get Involved
Our ministry is always looking for brothers and sisters who want to serve and participate in the Lord's work in the lives of the men in Our Brother's Home. Here are specific ways to get involved:
Mentors: We are always looking for mature Christian men to come along side of other men to minister to their physical and spiritual growth. Mentoring enhances the lives of both mentor and brother.
Partners: Partner with one of the residents to provide personal support and care
Serve on committees: for luncheons, activities and awareness/donor campaigns
Help residents with specific material needs
Contribute graphic design: for website or print material
If you have an interest in any of these, please reach out to our board by emailing info@ourbrothershome.org
Your funds will help support these men and our efforts to assist them.
By Mail

Give securely through PayPal

Donations are used to provide:
on-going housing and maintenance expenses
a need fund to cover education, job training, transportation, clothing, etc.
a supply of non-perishable food
items that would be available to residents who are struggling financially
All your money goes directly to the home, and is not made available to any other party or organization.

By Mail
Make Checks Payable to
Our Brother's Home
PO Box 1581
Mountain View CA